Wednesday, July 10, 2024

From Pasturization to Pauperization of The Tharus by Dr Ajay Kumar Ojha

 From Pasturization to Pauperization of The Tharus 

(The Tharu Tribe of West Champaran)


Dr Ajay Kumar Ojha 

This book by Dr Ajay Kumar Ojha is based on some of the articles written on Tharuhat and  the Tharu tribe of West Champaran of Bihar on different occasions.Tharuhat - the land of the Tharu tribe in West Champaran has become pasture (चारागाह) for the past  many decades even after India gained Independence. In fact  the process of pasturization (चारागाहीकरण) intensified after 1947. The process of pasturization(चारागाहीकरण)  of the Tharuhat region has led to pauperization (दारिद्रीकरण) of the Tharus. This invaluable book by Dr Ajay Kumar Ojha courtesy Satyam Shivam is published by Anuradha Prakashan of Delhi. Dr Ojha has been working in  Tharuhat,  which was once known as mini-Chambal,  for around forty years . This book can be kept in Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India.

This book is available on Amazon. 

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