Thursday, August 31, 2023

120 Hours Amidst Tharu Tribe of West Champaran |Ramnagar|Haranatanr| Valmiki Nagar|Don Canal |Ep 3/5

120 Hours Amidst Tharu Tribe of West Champaran |Ramnagar|Haranatanr| Valmiki Nagar|Don Canal |Ep 3/5

"संस्कृतियों का मिलन है श्रावण" - डॉ सुशीला ओझा (Dr Susheela Ojha)

 संस्कृतियों का मिलन है श्रावण

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डॉ सुशीला ओझा (Dr Susheela Ojha)

प्रकृति पुरुष का समन्वय, धरती आकाश का चकित अभिभूत समन्वय, नाग संस्कृति और देव संस्कृति का समन्वय, देव और दैत्य संस्कृति का समन्वय, सुर सरिता सागर का समन्वय, कन्याकुमारी और कैलाशपति का समन्वय,  शिव शक्ति का समन्वय, महाकाल महाकाली का समन्वय,  सुर सरिता और धरती का समन्वय, भाई बहन के शाश्वत संबंधों का समन्वय। लक्ष्मी और चन्द्रमा का समन्वय। अद्भुत समन्वय का महीना है सावन। एकतरफ हथेली पर प्रियतम नाम की मेहंदी की कलात्मकता है तो दूसरी तरफ भाई के प्रेम की मेहंदी की अनुरागमयी लालिमा  हथेली पर थिरकती है। 

यह सावन रसिकता, मादकता , प्रजननता की ऋतु है तो दूसरी ओर शिवतत्व और नाग तत्व का सम्मिश्रण भी है।  जनमेजय  का नागयज्ञ इसी सावन में समाप्त हुआ और आस्तिक ने नाग  पूजा का शुभारंभ किया। 'नाग पंचमी' इसी उपलक्ष्य में मनाया जाता है। सावन में जलाभिषेक रावणेश्वर पर श्रद्धा आस्था के प्रतीक हैं तो महाकालेश्वर  दिक् काल के त्रिशूल में वैयाकरण, नाट्य, संगीत  नटराज का तांडव और लास्य का समन्वय भी है। डमरु नाद ब्रह्म का प्रणेता है।   चतुर्दिक संपन्नता है, श्री समृद्धि है, लक्ष्मी सरस्वती काली  का महा समन्वय है। अद्भुत रचना है विराट चित्रकार की विराटता के कैनवास पर कितने कलात्मकता पारदर्शिता के साथ   तुलिका चलायी है ! रामराज्य की कल्पना  अपनी मौलिकता की चुनरिया पहन सज सवंर गई है। प्रजावत्सलता का अद्भुत चित्रांकन है -

 "ससि संपन्न सोह  महि कैसी.।उपकारी के संपति जैसी"   सर्वत्र स्वराज पूर्ण कौशल  के स्वर्ण  दंड  हरित मणि लेकर नयनाभिराम दृश्य प्रस्तुत किए हैं। विकृतियों के सारे पत्ते भयभीत होकर पीले पड़ गए हैं । अपना स्वराज है अपना आत्मबल है - 'अर्क जवास पात बिनु भयउ, जस सुराज खल उद्यम गयऊं'। 

हालाकि शिवत्व के लिए सभी पत्ते  लहलहा रहे हैं। 

 राजा बलि अपनी दानशीलता, पराक्रम, प्रजावत्सलता के शिखर को प्राप्त कर चुके थे। स्वर्ग पर भी अपना आधिपत्य जमा लिए थे। ऐसी स्थिति में सर्वत्र दैत्य संस्कृति का आधिपत्य असंतुलन का कारण बन जाती।  विष्णु ने  पांचवे अवतार वामन का लिया। विप्र बनकर बलि के दरवाजे पर याचक बन कर गए हैं। जब भी धरती असंतुलित होने का प्रश्न उठा है  विराटता को लघुता का कलेवर दिया गया है, बलि उस समय अश्वमेध यज्ञ कर रहे थे। दरवाजे पर विप्र की पुकार सुन बलि का ध्यान उधर आकृष्ट हुआ। दैत्यों के गुरु शुक्राचार्य ने  वामन को विष्णु रूप में पहचान लिया था। बलि को शुक्राचार्य ने सजग किया। राजा बलि विप्र की पुकार को अनसुनी नहीं कर सकते। यह कदम उनकी दानशीलता पर बहुत बड़ा प्रहार था। बलि ने आधे -अधुरे यज्ञ मंडप से उठकर विप्रवर का  स्वागत अभिवादन स्वस्तिवाचन  किया।  विप्र वामन थे, उन्होंने तीन पग धरती मांगा। राजा बलि दानवीर के समक्ष तीन पग धरती का क्या महत्व  ?? उन्हें अपनी दानशीलता पर गर्व था। 

वामन ने बलि से संकल्प करवाकर तीन पग धरती  लेने का निर्णय लिया  । बलि ने वामन के मांग को सहर्ष अंगीकार किया। वामन अपनी विराटता में पैर बढ़ाया, नापने को दो पग में सब कुछ नाप लिया। अभी तीसरा पग  शेष था। वामन ने कहा - अब तीसरा पैर कहाँ रखूं?? राजा बलि ने अपने सिर पर रखने को कहा। वामन ने तीसरा पैर बलि के सिर पर रखकर पाताल लोक भेज दिया। बलि ने पूछा -मेरी रक्षा कौन करेगा?? आप मेरे प्राण तत्व और आत्मा तत्व हैं प्रभु मैं आपके बिना नहीं रहूंगा। वामन ने दैव संस्कृति और दानव संस्कृति को अटूट बंधन सूत्र में बांधा है। उसकी प्रतिबद्धता, दृढ़संकल्पता, स्थिरता को सूत्रों में लपेटा है -

येन बद्धो बली राजा दानवेन्द्रो महाबल:

तेन त्वामनुबध्नामि रक्षे मा चल  मा चल

यह  रक्षे ही राखी  सूत्र की स्थिरता है, अटूटता है, अडिगता है। 

 रक्षा सूत्र बांधने पर वामन ने  बलि से वरदान मांगने को कहा है। बलि ने कहा है  हे प्रभु आप मेरे प्रहरी बन जायं, मेरे रक्षक, संरक्षक में  आपके महनीय योगदान की शुभाकांक्षा  है। भगवान भक्त की दासता को अंगीकार कर लिया। 

इधर दैवलोक में असंतुलन का डर था। लक्ष्मी विष्णु के लिए व्यग्र थीं। देवर्षि के मार्गदर्शन के पश्चात लक्ष्मी बलि  के पास पाताललोक गई हैं यही सावन की पूर्णिमा थी। लक्ष्मी ने बलि के पाश  से विष्णु को मुक्त कराने  का प्रस्ताव रखा है। विष्णु को मुक्त करने  के लिए  बलि ने चतुर्मास का समय मांगा है।  विष्णु को शेषनाग ने अपना मुलायम गदा दिया है। अपनी छतरी से विष्णु की रक्षा की है। लक्ष्मी विष्णु के पैर को धीरे-धीरे दबाती हैं।उन्हें दासत्व से मुक्ति की बात करती हैं। दीप दिवाली को लक्ष्मी धरती पर आती हैं। यमराज से भाई की दीर्घायु की कामना बहनें  करती हैं  । बलि प्रजा वत्सल थे  उन्होंने वामन  से सावन माह में धरती पर आने का  वरदान मांगा था। केरल में ओणम पर्व मनाया जाता है  । उसमें बलि की पूजा की जाती है। बलि दैत्य संस्कृति में पले थे। उनमें उनके दादा प्रहलाद  की देव संस्कृति अक्षुण्ण थी। लक्ष्मी सिंधु सुता हैं उन्होंने बलि को भाई मानकर पति को दासत्व, से मुक्ति दिलाई है।  सुता को  'दुहिता' कहते हैं। संस्कार में संरक्षित आरक्षित दुहिता सुरसरि की तरह होती है  । वह अपने संस्कार से दोनों किनारों को शस्य श्यामलाम् बनाती है।  दुहिता के नैतिक मूल्यों से संवर्धित, संरक्षित किनारा सर्वदा पल्लवित, पुष्पित , फलित होकर लहलहाता रहता है। 

सीता चक्रवर्ती राजा की बधू है और राजा जनक की पुत्री है.। चित्रकूट में वह विदेह की वैदेही बनकर अपने महान कर्तव्य साधना, उपासना, त्याग, तपस्या, समग्रता का  परिचय दिया है।  विदेह के  आह्लाद कंठ से मंत्र बनकर गंगोत्री से गंगा की तरह फूट पड़ा है "पुत्रि पवित्र किए कूल दोउ" 

बलि राजा दानशील, यशस्वी, पराक्रमी, प्रजावत्सल थे। गर्व की विकृति से बचाने के लिए ही वामन रूप रखकर श्रावण की पूर्णिमा को ही  विष्णु ने बलि की  परीक्षा ली थी। वचनबद्धता को  अंगीकार कराया था। पराक्रमी, यशस्वी के लिए अवमानना ही सबसे बड़ा दंडनीय अपराध है। दक्ष यज्ञ में  शिव का अंश न देखकर ही सती ने आत्मदाह का निर्णय लिया था  "सबसे कठिन जाति अवमानना" अपनी यश कीर्ति के सुवास को बलि ने अक्षुण्ण रखा और श्रावण मास की पूर्णिमा को अपनी प्रतिबद्धता के सूत्र को मंगलमयता, शुभता, जीवंतता, उत्सवधर्मिता कल्याणमयता  के नए कलेवर में  अपनी समन्वयता, समग्रता को पुनर्स्थापित करते हैं। यह सृष्टि का शाश्वत संबंध है  । इसकी लयात्मकता अक्षुण्ण है। 

डॉ सुशीला ओझा

 साहित्यकार, रचनाकार एवं संस्कृतिकर्मी 

(पूर्व आचार्य एवं अध्यक्ष

हिन्दी विभाग, महिला महाविद्यालय

बेतिया, पश्चिम चम्पारण, बिहार)

[साभार डॉ सुशीला ओझा के फेसबुक वॉल से ]

Amidst Tharu Tribe of West Champaran | Bihar| Tharuhat's Don | Champapur | Bankatawa | Bhitiharawa Ep 2/5

Amidst Tharu Tribe of West Champaran | Bihar| Tharuhat's Don | Champapur | Bankatawa | Bhitiharawa Ep 2/5

120 Hours amidst Tharu Schedule Tribe of West Champaran | Rampurva | Bhikhna Thori | Sahodara |Jamunia Ep 1/2

120 Hours amidst Tharu Schedule Tribe of West Champaran | Rampurva | Bhikhna Thori | Sahodara |Jamunia Ep 1/2

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

PepsiCo India’s Collaborative Farming Inducing Transformative Impact on Assam's Farmers' Lives


PepsiCo India’s Collaborative Farming Inducing Transformative Impact on Assam's Farmers' Lives 

There are many  compelling success stories to underscore the transformative impact on the lives of farmers in Assam through PepsiCo India’s collaborative farming programme. PepsiCo India works with more than 470 farmers in Assam which covers around 10 districts.


Through its Positive Agriculture pillar under pep+ (Pep Positive), PepsiCo India is helping secure the livelihood of 27,000 farmers, including women, and uplift communities in 14 states across India. In Assam, PepsiCo India's collaboration has empowered farmers to embrace sustainable techniques, resulting in increased yields, improved product quality, and reduced environmental impact.


These stories encapsulate the essence of PepsiCo India's commitment to positive change and sustainable partnerships.

A Farmer's Inspiring Journey to Success with PepsiCo: 

The Story of Devi Prasad Sarma

In the midst of the lush fields of Assam, Devi Prasad Sarma, a steadfast farmer even at 72 years of age, shares his remarkable tale of overcoming challenges. With hands that bear the marks of hardwork and a heart deeply connected to the land, Devi Prasad embodies the true spirit of a farmer. His journey, marked by resilience and determination, intersects with PepsiCo India, bringing about a significant transformation that extends well beyond his fields.

A resident of No.1 Polisumoni village in Biswanath, Assam, Devi Prasad lives in his modest home surrounded by his cherished family - his wife, daughter, nephew, and sister - all united by their shared love for farming. Devi Prasad's life as a farmer spans decades, characterized by unwavering dedication, hard work, and perseverance.

The turning point came in 2019 when Devi Prasad partnered with PepsiCo, a decision that proved pivotal. However, this collaboration was not just a business deal; it was a lifeline, offering solutions to the challenges that had shadowed Devi Prasad's farming journey. He recalls the days before PepsiCo India when finding good potato seeds was difficult, and uncertain market conditions left farmers facing difficulties. Post-harvest, waiting for payments and dealing with high insurance costs added to the struggles. PepsiCo India emerged as a ray of hope, addressing these problems with sustainable solutions.

Devi Prasad's association with PepsiCo brought about a transformation, marked by learning guidance, and 360-degree support. The quality of seeds improved, resulting in better harvests through sustainable farming practices. Training sessions provided technical knowledge that guided him towards higher yields and increased profits. Devi Prasad also spoke of the financial assurance this partnership has provided him with timely payments shortly after harvest. However, this transformation was not just about numbers; it led to a qualitative change, with Devi Prasad

experiencing a significant shift in his daily farming practices.

The challenges of the past started to fade away as Devi Prasad embraced modern and sustainable farming techniques. Knowledge of the right package of practices of potato agronomy helped   him

tremendously. With new insights, he adjusted his approach, understanding the importance of proper nutrition, irrigation, and post-rain care. The expertise and support imparted by PepsiCo India agronomists, even during challenges caused due to the vagaries of climate change, became the foundation of his success, nurturing high-quality crops with a reduced impact on the environment.

Reflecting on his journey, Devi Prasad acknowledges that his life has taken a different direction since teaming up with PepsiCo India. Despite being in overwhelming debt, he chose to cultivate potatoes in an area of 30 acres with full faith in PepsiCo’s collaborative farming programme. Today, he proudly shares how his decision to partner with PepsiCo helped him pay off debt of Rs 8 lakh, an achievement made possible by PepsiCo India’s partnership which includes an assured buyback and understanding of sustainable farming practices. His eyes shine with hope as he talks about the peace of mind he now enjoys, knowing that his family's future is more secure than ever.

Devi Prasad's transformation goes beyond his personal gains; it sets an example for others. He has become a source of guidance in his  community,  advocating   for  the   benefits   of    collaboration,

sustainable farming, and the positive impact of PepsiCo. His neighbours and fellow farmers look up to him, inspired by the changes they see in his life. Devi Prasad's message is clear : PepsiCo has not only changed his farming practices, but it has also improved his life overall.

Through Devi Prasad's journey, we witness the power of knowledge, partnership, and determination. His life has been reshaped, and his story is a testament to the transformative impact that collaborative farming and guided learning can bring. Devi Prasad Sarma, a symbol of change and growth, stands as living proof of the profound influence a single partnership can have on a farmer's life and community around them.

Komal Kumari Boro: Cultivating Dreams and Empowering Women Through Farming

In the heart of Puthimari village in Sonitpur, nestled among the vibrant fields of Assam, lives a remarkable woman named Komal Kumari. With unwavering resolve and support from PepsiCo India, Komal has carved a path that not only redefines the role of women in farming but also highlights their potential as agri-preneurs, contributing significantly to the community's growth and prosperity.

Komal, at 37, stands as a testament to purpose-driven living. Her family, including her husband, son, and daughter, reflects her commitment to a better life for her loved ones. Her husband's unwavering support stands alongside Komal's own journey in farming, both converging into a shared vision for their family's progress.

Komal's journey began in 2017, a time when financial constraints cast shadows over her family's aspirations. With a son aiming for a BA degree and a daughter in the midst of her education, additional income was imperative. Farming, initially undertaken out of necessity, was riddled with lack of right farming practices, access to quality seeds, and knowledge of navigating market intricacies. However, what started as a practical solution soon evolved into a means of empowerment and self-sufficiency.

In 2022, a partnership with PepsiCo India marked a definitive turning point for Komal. This collaboration not only provided access to vital resources but also instilled a sense of agency and

ambition. Through specialized training and knowledge-sharing, Komal transitioned from traditional practices to a more sustainable and scientific approach to farming. The adoption of modern techniques yielded substantial results, leading to improved yields, higher income, and, most importantly, a newfound confidence within her.

Central to this transformation was the establishment of the Jaymoti Farmer Producer Company in 2021 by the women farmers with aid from the Government of Assam. This initiative shattered long-standing gender norms and solidified the women's status as agri-preneurs. With a shared purpose, the community of 435 women farmers embarked on a journey of empowerment, turning challenges into opportunities and nurturing the land with a blend of tradition and innovation.

PepsiCo India's role in the formation of the Farmer Producer Company is undeniable. Access to large market with the certainty of assured buyback was pivotal in providing an opportunity for the

women farmers to collectivize their efforts leading to aid from the Assam Government. Through its 360-degree support in collaborative farming, PepsiCo India provided not just knowledge and tools, but also the confidence and upliftment needed to foster a society's holistic development. The impact of its involvement extended beyond agriculture, empowering the community to recognize the potential within its own boundaries.

Also, crucially integral to this story is the transformation of societal dynamics, where women's empowerment and progress are not isolated pursuits, but rather collaborative endeavors. The proactive stance shown by Komal and her peers, served as an awakening for their male counterparts, mobilizing them to recognize the untapped potential of women as lead farmers. What

once were traditional gender roles evolved into a symphony of mutual understanding and shared aspirations.

Komal Kumari Boro's story is more than a tale of individual triumph; it is a narrative of collective resilience and unity. Her journey stands as a beacon of hope for countless women who dare to defy conventions and embrace agri-preneurship. As the sun rises over the fields of Puthimari village, it illuminates a community that has been transformed by the vision and leadership of women who sowed the seeds of change and reaped a harvest of empowerment.

Sujit Das: Nurturing Growth and Unity through Collaborative Farming with PepsiCo India

In the heart of Assam's verdant fields, a tale of transformation and camaraderie unfolds. Sujit Das, a tenacious and inventive farmer, has not only cultivated prosperity on his land but has also fostered a thriving community through his partnership with PepsiCo India.

Sujit's bond with the soil runs deep, forged during his upbringing under the open skies of No.1 Polisumoni, Biswanath. Born into a farming family of modest means, Sujit’s inherited perseverance and an aptitude for farming from his father. In 1993, Sujit embarked on his own journey as a humble small-scale farmer to eke out a living from the fertile soil of his homeland.

The pivotal moment arrived in 2018, when he was first introduced to the collaborative farming programmme of PepsiCo India. This marked the genesis of a partnership that brought stability to Sujit’s

livelihood, anchoring his produce to a steady buyback from PepsiCo India. This stability extended beyond Sujit's fields and eased financial concerns for his family, infusing hope for a brighter future.

PepsiCo India, renowned for its commitment to empowering farmers through 360-degree support in the form of right package of practices such as nutrition and care of crops, provided training and guidance which helped blossom Sujit’s knowledge of potato agronomy and farm management. Armed with advanced agricultural techniques, Sujit witnessed a surge in his yields through scientific yet sustainable methods, harvesting 45 quintals of produce. He fondly recalled the delight he experienced on the morning he received an SMS notification indicating payment from PepsiCo India within seven days of the harvest.

Soon, Sujit, once solely a farmer, found himself on a new path. PepsiCo India recognized his enterprising nature and transformed him into a vendor. This shift from being solely a cultivator to becoming a partner with PepsiCo India marked a turning point. It was not  just a transactional change, but a transformation that echoed through his life and community.

Before his collaboration with PepsiCo India, Sujit like other small-hold farmers grappled with the unpredictability of the market, with its fluctuating demands and uncertain prices. However, PepsiCo’s impact was not limited to the financial realm; it brought a radical change in mindset - a newfound dedication to sustainable farming practices, environmental stewardship, and the upliftment of his community.

Today, Sujit leads a team of over 70 farmers confident of the backing from PepsiCo India even during challenging times such as excessive monsoons. The trust he commands stands as a testament to his dedication forged through years of hard work and shared achievements. As Sujit's farming community flourished, so did his aspirations for growth. From a modest three-acre farm in 2019, his realm expanded to a sprawling 295 acres in 2023.

His leadership served as a guiding light, inspiring fellow farmers to embrace the concept of collaborative farming. The secret behind his success? A blend of expertise and shared knowledge, an unshakeable belief in the power of unity, and support from PepsiCo India as a core catalyst in the agricultural transformation for the welfare of farmers.

Sujit;s journey mirrors his own evolution, from a humble farmer to a confident leader. His partnership with PepsiCo India acted as a catalyst, igniting a self-assuredness that propelled him to newfound heights. The dream of owning an acre of land materialized, and he proudly built a new house - a tangible symbol of his transition from uncertainty to stability.

In Sujit Das's story, we encounter resilience, the strength of collaboration, and the promise of a brighter future. He stands not only as a symbol of personal success but as a testament to the potential that lies within every individual when empowered by knowledge and united in purpose. Through determination, innovative techniques, and a partnership that ignited his confidence, Sujit Das has not only cultivated the land but has also sown seeds of inspiration and unity amongst his community.

[With inputs from Chandrayee Mukherjee, Sr Account Executive, AVIAN WE]

Digitization in Agriculture Will Bring in the Next Big Green Revolution


Digitization in Agriculture Will Bring in the Next Big  Green Revolution

G20 Sherpa, Shri Amitabh Kant speaking at the G20 India Agri-tech Summit 2023

Lauding the strides made in digitizing agriculture and harnessing technological innovations, which have been central priorities during India's G20 presidency this year, India’s G20 Sherpa, Shri Amitabh Kant, underscored the significance of Agricultural digitization in bringing the next big green revolution and transforming the agriculture sector into a data-driven, adaptive system that can effectively combat challenges of climate change. 

Mr Kant was speaking at the G20 India Agri-tech Summit 2023 held on August 28 in Delhi. The Summit showcased India's commitment to driving innovation, collaboration and sustainability in the realm of agriculture. The Summit, hosted as part of India's G20 Presidency, brought together  leaders, experts and stakeholders from across the globe to explore transformative solutions for the future of farming.

The Summit represented a crucial juncture in utilizing technology to tackle the challenges confronting the agricultural sector. With a strong focus on sustainability, the event emphasized the significance of incorporating policies, technological progress and farmer-centred perspectives. The Summit's schedule was enhanced by enlightening keynote presentations, dynamic discussions among panels and informative exhibitions that highlighted cutting-edge advancements in agricultural technology. Attendees participated in engaging conversations covering a wide range of subjects, such as policy shaping, sustainable agricultural practices, AI -powered agribusiness and the welfare of farmers. A diverse array of participants, including start-ups in agri-tech, AI firms, scientists and policy makers, were involved in the four-panel discussions hosted during the Summit.

India's G20 Sherpa, Shri Amitabh Kant, graced the occasion with his visionary leadership. Addressing the opening plenary of the Summit, Shri Kant said, “Transforming the agriculture sector into a data-driven, smart and adaptive to climate change is integral to the transformation of the agriculture sector. This would entail focusing on aspects like open access agricultural data platforms and recognizing them as global public goods while co-opting startups and responsible investments from the private and public sectors for enhancing the welfare of farmers, especially small and marginal farmers. G20 members, being the major agricultural producers, consumers and exporters, have come together to take a collective responsibility towards transitioning to a sustainable and resilient agricultural food system. Fundamentally, our ambition should be to transform agriculture, the agri-food sector into a very attractive and lucrative modern business enterprise. This needs to be done by keeping the farmers at the core of this digital revolution, by facilitating affordable access to an inclusive digital infrastructure and by exploring digital tools that cater to the needs of the Agri sector.”

“The creation of a dynamic database that seamlessly interwinds precise information about farmers' characteristics and agriculture sector statistics, with a wealth of supplementary information encompassing weather patterns, demand and supply dynamics, market trends, and much more, has the potential to empower our farmers to make informed decisions. The implications of such a harmonized database extend far beyond mere convenience. Stakeholders across various domains, including the policymakers and experts who steer the trajectory of our progress, would find themselves empowered by key insights delivered through this data-sharing network,” emphasizing the need to create a harmonious database, Mr Kant further added.

He also drew the Summit’s attention towards the importance of inclusive digital infrastructure and tools tailored to the needs of the agricultural sector. During the course of the panel discussions, policymakers, industry experts, innovators, farmers and investors paved the way for innovative approaches that can drive positive change across the agricultural landscape. With participants from across the world sharing agricultural experiences and strategies from different regions, the event presented a unique opportunity to gain a range of insights.

The Agri-tech Summit also recognized outstanding contributions, innovations and initiatives that are shaping the future of agriculture. This spotlight on exceptional efforts served as a driving force for further advancements in the sector.

Through the convergence of technology and agriculture, the summit has established a foundation for sustainable methodologies capable of bolstering food security, elevating livelihoods, and safeguarding the environment. The innovative solutions, collaborations and insights presented during the course of panel discussions serve as the foundation for shaping the future of agriculture on a global scale.

The event saw participation from the agriculture industry, farmer associations and FPO, delegates from 7 G20 nations, Agri-tech startups, international delegates and investors.

[Basic inputs from Abhishek Katiyar]

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Sales of Rooftop Solar Energy Kits Rise to 5.2 Million Globally in Second Half of 2022

 Sales of Rooftop Solar Energy Kits Rise to 5.2 Million Globally in Second Half of 2022

South Asia Forum for Distributed Energy (SAFDE) opens in New Delhi and shines a spotlight on Decentralized Solar Solutions for Energy Access and Resilience. The Forum underscores the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors to drive energy access, resilience, and sustainable development in South Asia. Shri Bhagwant Khuba, MoS, MNRE, delivered the opening remarks at the event

 Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director General of the International Solar Alliance, while speaking at the South Asia Forum for Distributed Energy (SAFDE)organized on 24th August 2023 in New Delhi by GOGLA (Global Off-grid Lighting Association), with support from the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India and Good Energies Foundation, said  “In the past year, we have seen tremendous uptake of solar rooftops. Data reveals that 5.2 million solar energy kits were sold globally in the second half of 2022, which is a 20% increase from the first half of the year and 18% higher than the previous peak in the second half of 2019. This clearly shows that we have learned to value them as we go. We have also learned to value the off-grid utilization architecture in parallel”.

Shri Bhagwant Khuba, Minister of State for New and Renewable Energy, Chemicals and Fertilizers officially opened the Forum today at the India Habitat Center in New Delhi, alongside Dr. Ajay Mathur, General Director of International Solar Alliance; Bishal Thapa, Senior Director of CLASP; and Koen Peters, Executive Director of GOGLA, welcoming over 200 international and local key stakeholders, industry experts, and government representatives for impactful discussions on decentralized solar solutions for improved energy access, resilience, and sustainable growth. 

In his opening remarks, Shri. Bhagwant Khuba, expressed confidence that the event would pave the way for two days of meaningful discussions around the importance of harnessing DRE to tackle current challenges faced by India and the world.

With a focus on public-private collaboration, SAFDE aims to explore innovative solutions, address challenges, and foster partnerships that can enhance energy access and stimulate economic growth in the region, particularly by driving meaningful dialogues around the future potential and continued relevance of DRE and weak-grid markets.

The ongoing discussions’ themes at SAFDE include in-depth conversations on: productive use of renewable energy, weak grid market-based solutions, supply chain challenges, SDG goals, climate justice, carbon credits, and the role of gender in the decentralized renewables sector.

In addition to enlightening discussions, the event also features multiple end-users of distributed renewable energy solutions from across India, who will be presenting impact testimonials of how these technologies have positively contributed to their lives and livelihoods. Furthermore, an engaging expo as a part of the event is showcasing innovative products and services by local and international firms, providing insights into the latest advancements and trends in the DRE sector.

“At SAFDE, we bring the key Indian and South Asian players in the distributed energy space together to talk about how we can improve energy access, support livelihoods, and deliver green growth even more than we do already. Since this is a very dynamic environment, it is crucial that we meet, learn from each other, and strike new partnerships," said Koen Peters, Executive Director at GOGLA.

For India and South Asia where energy access is no longer an acute issue, DRE solutions are today playing a key role in providing backup power in weak grid areas, especially in terms of powering agriculture, enterprise, and health. Decentralized solar technologies help communities in adapting and building resilience to climate change, with droughts, floods, and heat waves affecting millions across the region annually.

According to GOGLA’s Global Off-Grid Solar Market report, today, 104 million people globally have benefited from improved access to energy through off-grid solar energy, and close to 15 million are benefiting from improved access to appliances. The report also notes that in the past decade, 98 million metric tons of CO2e have been avoided through the sale of off-grid solar solutions, the equivalent of taking 26 coal-fired power plants offline for a year.

As SAFDE continues, delegates will get the opportunity to explore the potential of AC-DC hybrid infrastructure and weak grid market solutions, with a strong emphasis on expanding the scope in India and beyond, and the upcoming discussions and connections made during the event will catalyze actions and initiatives that further promote and contribute towards mainstreaming decentralized solar solutions across India and South Asia. 

[Basic inputs received from Ananya Anand, Account Executive]

Augmenting and Diversifying Income from Agricultural Waste and Residue : Biofuels Junction's Role


Augmenting and Diversifying Income  from Agricultural Waste and Residue : Biofuels Junction's Role


Biofuels Junction, a leading manufacturer and value-added supply chain provider of solid biofuels, which are a cost-effective & environment-friendly substitutes to fossil fuels used in Industrial boilers and burners.

By supplying reliable and quality supply of briquettes and pellets made from farm waste, Biofuels Junction ensures that its clients which are leading Indian manufacturers have reliable and continuous supply of quality biofuels throughout the year. The start-ups clients include HUL, Marico and Haldirams among other marquee clients.



Biofuel briquettes and pellets made from agricultural residues, crop waste, and other organic materials such as such as soya husk or mustard stalk are widely used and their usage saves 30-40 per cent vis-à-vis furnace oil, that might otherwise be discarded or burned inefficiently. By converting these materials into energy, farmers will be able to monetize the waste and improve waste management practices. Biofuel feedstocks like non-edible oil seeds and agricultural residues can provide additional income to rural and tribal communities supporting agricultural economies. Employment is generated around activities such as biomass collection, processing, and distribution which can help farmers in diversification of income.


Biofuels Junction is currently working on creating a  tech led market place, for matching the demand and supply of briquettes and pellets made from farm waste from the farms to their marquee corporate clients. Many of the corporate clients have also asked Biofuels Junction to operate their boiler plants for them. In Financial Year 23, their revenue was Rs 70 crore and they are profitable.

There are several environmental benefits of switching to biofuels. India faces significant air quality and environmental challenges due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal and furnace oil. Biofuels are much more environmentally friendly compared to traditional fossil fuels like coal and diesel.

These fuels emit pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter, which contribute to air pollution and health issues. Shifting to cleaner-burning biofuels helps mitigate these environmental impacts and improves air quality. They produce lower carbon dioxide emissions and fewer pollutants, which helps improve air quality and reduces the contribution to
global climate change.

India has set ambitious renewable energy targets to increase the share of renewable energy in its energy mix. Using biofuels instead of traditional fossil fuels aligns with these goals and contributes to the country's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and transition to a more sustainable energy system. Also, many parts of India face severe air pollution, leading to health issues and environmental degradation. Shifting to biofuels can help Indian manufacturers reduce their carbon footprint and comply with national and international commitments to combat climate change.

India is heavily dependent on imported fossil fuels, which can pose energy security risks due to supply disruptions and price volatility. By promoting domestic production of biofuels, India can enhance its energy security and reduce its reliance on imported fuels. With rising prices of imported coal and furnace oil, and advancement of technology, the cost of biofuel production has become more competitive, making it economically viable for manufacturers to switch to biofuels. Advances in biofuel production technologies have made these fuels more viable and cost-effective. As technology improves, the economics of biofuel production become increasingly favorable compared to traditional fossil fuels. The Steep prices of diesel and gas makes biofuels even more attractive with over 50% cost savings.

Mumbai based start-up, Biofuels  Junction was started in 2016 by finance professionals Ashwin and Chaitanya who were passionate to do something related to agriculture. Their research led them to biofuels, for which they realized there was enough demand, but challenges in terms of supply.  

[Based on inputs from Biofuels Junction's Communications Consultant Ms Deepa]