Saturday, August 18, 2012



(All the images are subject to IPR)

Photo by Dr Ajay Kumar(Ojha)

The land of Tharuhat of West Champaran is supposed to be very fertile, even more than that of Punjab. People from outside, irrespective of caste or religion , have always an eye on the land of Tharus. A number of Farms have cropped in the Tharuhat since Independence. Before Independence they were few & far between.

Looking at the large number of Farms, the Tharuhat of West Champaran has come to be known as "Land of Farms" or "Country of Farms" or "Area of Farms" or Region of Farms". Most of the Farms are result of gradual but steady alienation of the land of  the simple/innocent Tharus on a large scale by cruel/clever/cunning/selfish & so called "cultured" non-Tharus (Bajis in local parlance) who have infiltrated into the Tharuhat for new and easily available pastures.

Each Farm has its own culture, its own way of suppressing the people of its surrounding area. Owner of the Farm is called "SARKAR". For over a long period the Tharus of the locality were not aware of the any government except that of SARKAR. It has acted like a parallel government. If SARKAR is passing through the way and a  Tharu comes across, he has to salute malik in a particular style.He can be even fined if found disobedient. Each farm is known as "KACHAHARI(Court)" also. KACHAHARI is named after the name of the owner of the farm. So as many FARMS so many "SARKAR RAJ".

The Tharus of West Champaran have been deprived for decades  due to policy paralysis, government's apathy & inaction, bureaucratic in-sensitiveness  and left on the mercy of all types of  so called "cultured" & "civilized" vultures who have exploited & fleeced  the simple Tharus to the maximum.

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