Image (C) Dr Ajay Kumar Ojha |
1. Insuknawr:
This game requires player/players holding both ends of a wooden pestle or a
bamboo pole with hands push each other. Any available wooden pestle or a bamboo
pole can be used for the purpose. The game can be played as singles or 2 or 3
persons at both ends. It is mainly played by male/boys.

Image (C) Dr Ajay Kumar Ojha
2. Inkawibah:
Is a game played by both sexes of Mizo children. Sometimes adult male and
female also play and no limit to the number of players is fixed. However, the
players are divided into two groups or teams. There are various kinds of games
and methods of play. The material used in this game locally called ‘Kawi’, the
seeds of a large creeper bean (Entada Scanden) as such the game is called
‘Inkawibah’. Now a day, it is mainly played by female.
3. Insaihruipawh: The material used in this game is a rope. The two ends of which are
tide round the neck of the two players each trying to move in the opposite
directions, if one move southwards the other move northwards. If a line draw at
the centre is cross by a mark made in the middle point of the rope, the player
who moves further forward is the winner. In earlier past, jungle creeper was
used for no rope was available.
4. Arpa Insual: In this game one of the legs is held by one hand in the backside, the
other hand has to hold the hand which is holding the leg. By standing with one
leg the two opponents tries to push out each other from the circle within which
they are fighting in any possible manner. The one who push the opponent out
from the circle is the winner.
5. Inbuan: In this game the two opponents, usually tries
to lift up his opponent. The one who lift the opponents is the winner. Formerly
the game was played with bare hands. Since some years back the use of cloth
has been introduced.
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